Thursday, 26 April 2012

Zero minus 2

Only 2 days to go and lots of odd bits and pieces are being completed - locks on doors, television aerial points, horn, front spot light, front step, poles, gang plank, skirting boards, and last minute painting before the floor goes in.

Maggot (apparently that's not his real name) arrived at 6.00pm and was able to apply the first coat to the scrolls and name panels despite the intermitant showers. I was happy with what I saw so left them to it. Maggot turned up again today at about 4.00pm and continued to apply the second coat and shading. The following pics illustrate his work so far:

I'm not sure my camera has done the colours justice but I think it looks fantastic in the flesh. Maggot is doing a great job, just what I wanted, and I look forward to seeing his completed masterpiece tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Mick and I will be tidying the boat, removing the assorted tools and unused nails, screws, bits of wood, etc, hoovering away all the dust and other detritus in preparation for the floor laying. We're now keeping our fingers crossed that the weather on Saturday is fairly calm as a blustery day will be challenging for the crane. Why can't things be simple?

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